Bread_Kittens Wiki
Game: Bread Kittens
Region Number: 7
Levels: 28 - 32
Highest Rarity: Unique
Boss: Savannah
Breads Unlocked: Kare-pan, Toaster Pastry

Amberfield is the seventh stop on your adventure. Its forever autumn feel reminds some of pre-Cataclysm Azshara.  There are 11 kitten varieties in this region, and their levels range from 28 - 32.

Upon completion of Amberfield, Kare-pan and Toaster Pastry breads are unlocked.

Came from: Verdant Range

Next stop: Eastport Harbor

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Common Kittens[]

Kitten Attack Health Speed Coat Variation Level Range Node(s) Notes
American Wirehair 6 5 5 Grey 28-31 1, 4, 6 Elusive
Russian Blue 4 6 7 - 28-32 1, 3*, 5, 7* -

Uncommon Kittens[]

Kitten Attack Health Speed Coat Variation Level Range Node(s) Notes
Exotic Shorthair 7 6 7 Grey 28-32 2, 5, 7 Elusive
Ragamuffin 5 8 6 Black and White 28-29 1, 3 Elusive
Scottish Fold 6 6 7 Light Grey 28-32 2, 4*, 6, 8* -

Rare Kittens[]

Kitten Attack Health Speed Coat Variation Level Range Node(s) Notes
Egyptian Mau 8 6 2 - 28-32 1*, 3, 5*, 7 -
Persian 6 8 2 White 28-31 2*, 4, 6* -
Peterbald 10 5 6 Grey 29-30 3, 5 Elusive
Siberian 5 10 6 White 28-32 2, 4, 7 Elusive

Very Rare Kittens[]

Kitten Attack Health Speed Coat Variation Level Range Node(s) Notes
Savannah 8 8 14 - 32 8 Boss

Unique Kittens[]

Kitten Attack Health Speed Coat Variation Level Range Node(s) Notes
Colonel Meow 9 11 14 Green Uniform 31 6 Elusive

Battle Spots[]

This region has 8 spots where you can bread kittens and earn 1 - 3 stars. Kittens marked with an (E) are elusive; there are two elusive kittens per node. When walking from node to node, sometimes a kitten will ambush you; these types of encounters are marked with an (A). Note that the boss kitten's HP on the first encounter (with all the red skulls floating) is higher than the number listed here (around double).

Node Level Kitten Health
1 28 Russian Blue 9,427
American Wirehair E 7,990
Ragamuffin E 12,304
Egyptian Mau A 9,427
2 28 Scottish Fold 9,427
Exotic Shorthair E 9,427
Siberian E 15,180
Persian A 12,304
3 29 Egyptian Mau 9,846
Peterbald E 8,339
Ragamuffin E 12,862
Russian Blue A 9,846
4 30 Persian 13,427
American Wirehair E 8,691
Siberian E 16,584
Scottish Fold A 10,270
5 30 Russian Blue 10,270
Exotic Shorthair E 10,270
Peterbald E 8,691
Egyptian Mau A 10,270
6 31 Scottish Fold 10,699
American Wirehair E 9,048
Colonel Meow E 18,948
Persian A 13,998
7 32 Egyptian Mau 11,132
Exotic Shorthair E 11,132
Siberian E 18,020
Russian Blue A 11,132
8 32 Savannah 14,576
Scottish Fold A 11,132

